Arash Didehrowshan Architectural studio, 2022

Type | Therapeutic, pharmacy
Location | West Qodousi Blvd. Shiraz, Iran
Client | Mr. Ghaedi
Presentation, Graphic | Sana Ranjbar
Photographer | Parham Taghioff
Status | Completed

Pharmacy is one of the public places with therapeutic use, which is used by many users daily. Anxious and worried users that the design of a space is very important in reducing their stress.
The pharmacy project is located on the western Qudousi Blvd in the Golrokh building, next to the main street with easy access for users. which is placed to meet the needs of the residents of the region for the ease of obtaining medicine.
The main idea of designing the project was to create zones for each type of product with easy access for users. Each zone has its own specific space and design.
In my opinion, wood is a heating element, and metal is a basic element of a space. The combination of these two materials created a peaceful environment, which was the client's desire also.
The diagram of the project was designed to emphasis on the materials used in the project and their composition, the spaces of each floor and their access.
