John Poh's profile

Logo Design for Stygian Eye Stories

Just completed this logo design for an indie visual novel developer. She was looking to establish her online presence and needed a logo for that purpose.

We explored the idea of an eye with a quill incorporated into it. Since her games are more serious and darker in tone, she preferred dark colors and neons for the color scheme.

One of her games is Sacrarium Gelus, which is a short fantasy-romance VN that follows its protagonist after they have driven out into dangerous, devil-infested Mt. Gelus and under the cold gaze of Heimos, the living god of medicine and winter.

The game has garnered a lot of positive reviews, so if you're a fan of this genre, please check it out on and support the creator!
I'm available for new projects! Feel free to message me here or through email at
Logo Design for Stygian Eye Stories


Logo Design for Stygian Eye Stories
