Healing Trust Issues in Relationships: A Guide for Spouses of Addicts in Recovery
Let’s review the advantages of online therapy and video counseling: it’s a good option for remote areas, it offers accessibility for those with physical or psychological limitations, it’s convenient and affordable. Our licensed therapists are ready to help you remotely from the comfort of home through online counseling and video therapy sessions. Persons with a fear of driving or lack of access to alternative forms of transportation can engage with a video therapist via teletherapy in the privacy and safety of home.

If you’re struggling with a cheating spouse or have noticed significant changes in your relationship, you’re likely seeking help. Spouse therapy may be the answer. At My Therapist Delray Beach, we specialize in Relationship Counseling services for those dealing with the aftermath of cheating in their relationships.

If you are a spouse of an addict in recovery, it is important to remember that trusting an addict is not as easy as it may sound. Trusting an addict or loved one who is in recovery can be challenging and may take some time. Trusting an addict can also lead to feelings of fear and anxiety for the partner in recovery. However, with patience, understanding, and compassion, the process of trusting an addict in recovery can become manageable and may even lead to extra levels of closeness in a relationship. With that being said, here are some tips on how to trust an addict in recovery.

We all encounter trust issues and infidelity in relationships throughout our lives, but the truth is that not all of us have the capacity to deal with them. People with trust issues can struggle in a variety of ways- from having difficulties in maintaining relationships to feeling disconnected even in the presence of those they love — and that can have a serious impact on their mental and emotional wellbeing. Men with trust issues especially can be especially vulnerable to trust issues, leading to a damaging cycle that they can find difficult to break through.

My Therapist Delray Beach can help you overcome your trust issues and get you to a stable, healthy place in all of your relationships. We offer a caring, supportive, and solution-focused approach. Irving Schattner, our licensed clinical social worker, and experienced psychotherapist LCSW, has over 25 years of experience helping individuals and couples. We also offer convenient online therapy options, so you can get the care you need right from home. So don’t wait any longer; call today and start your journey to healing trust issues and mending yourself- and your relationships.

Trust Issues

Trust Issues


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