Intrinsic Therapeutics's profile

Repeat Herniation - Things You Need to Know

Intrinsic Therapeutics, Inc is a company that provides medical devices. Dedicated to offering patients safe treatment, Intrinsic Therapeutics, Inc designed Barricaid, an FDA approved device that helps prevent reherniation after lumbar discectomy.
Lumbar disc surgeries are typically very effective and successful at removing herniated sectors of the lumbar discs and ending the pain patients experience due to herniation.
However, certain factors can sometimes lead to patients experiencing repeat herniation after surgery. In the United States, approximately 450,000 patients undergo lumbar discectomies annually, and about 10 percent of these patients experience reherniation.
Sometimes, patients can begin experiencing symptoms of reherniation a few weeks or months after a discectomy procedure. However, in some cases, reherniation might not occur until a year or two after surgery.
Reherniation is usually caused by patient-related factors like age, gender, and diabetes. However, patients who have large holes in their disc after discectomy have a much greater chance of reherniation and repeat surgery.
Repeat Herniation - Things You Need to Know

Repeat Herniation - Things You Need to Know
