A PROPHECY- Dimspncp 2023 Illustration Fantasy_Adobe Illustrator
A PROPHECY- Dimspncp 2023 Illustration Fantasy_Adobe Illustrator
The china's prophecy has begun. Rabbit as a sign of peace, prosperity and good luck. In my opinion, luck is not absolute. Everything depends on man and his god. God created a path for them and only for them to choose. Stick to the path you have and work hard. Luck will be faster. Happy New Year !!
A PROPHECY- Lato-Lato_Dimspncp 2023 Illustration Fantasy_Adobe Illustrator
Lato-lato "A game in digital era"

Originated from Bugis ethnic word, First they name it Kajao-kajao which means old lady then it change the way it pronounce as Kato-kato and now Lato-lato. Lato-lato has becomes viral among Indonesian kid's and there's a lot of discussion among the parents which some gives positif effects to their kids who depends on the cellphone. Lato-lato also believe can train their focus n concentration.
A Prophecy " The Beauty Of Nature " Dimspncp 2023
Aprophecy " Anxiety Disorders " Dimspncp23
A Prophecy " RESIST " Dimspncp23
A Prophecy " FANA " Dimspncp23
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Youtube : Dimspncp
Website : dimspnc.com
A Prophecy


A Prophecy
