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QC Kinetix (Augusta)

Reasons why knee pain treatment may be your only solution
Pain in the knees is common. It is frequently caused by sports injuries or falls and can be aggravated by arthritis pain or swollen tissue due to excess weight. Knee pain may also be related to poor muscle tone in your thighs and buttocks or bad posture. Regardless of the cause, temporary relief can be obtained through medication, exercise, weight loss, or knee supports and braces. However, sometimes the pain continues long after these methods have failed to provide relief; it must then be treated as a chronic problem rather than a temporary one. Here is a list of reasons why a knee specialist in Augusta may be your only solution. 

Inability to function normally

Knee pain can sometimes become so severe that walking becomes impossible. If the inflammation is severe enough, you might not even be able to get out of bed. At this point, it is time to seek help from your doctor or another qualified medical professional who will be able to tell whether or not knee replacement surgery is necessary.

Presence of other joint problems

Even if there are no problems with your knees, you may experience knee pain due to another problem. For example, your knee pain may be due to a problem with your spinal column. In this case, the doctor will check the problem in your back before deciding which knee treatment is best for you.

Presence of other serious medical conditions

Like any other part of your body, when the knees experience pain, it is because something is wrong with them. It could be a minor issue, or it could be a symptom of some other more serious condition. If the knee pain is severe enough to interfere with your ability to function normally and you cannot put up with it any longer, you should contact a doctor who will run tests on you.

Persistent pain that is not relieved with exercise or medications

In some cases, the pain in your knees lasts for a long time. This is when you should contact your doctor and ask for the help of a specialist who will be able to examine you and run tests to find out what is wrong with you and decide whether or not knee replacement is necessary.

Pain during exercise

If your knees hurt when you perform exercises like running, cycling or weightlifting, you should check whether knee supports are causing them to hurt. In this case, you will need professional advice on how to measure the proper size of knee supports before buying them. Knee supports can also help relieve bone pain that is caused by arthritis. This is why it is important to consult with a doctor before you buy knee support.

Swelling and inflammation

If the pain in your knees is accompanied by swelling, redness, heat, or warmth, you should seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms are likely to be caused by an infection or injury. If left untreated for too long, they may lead to more serious problems like osteoarthritis. This is why you should have your swollen and painful knees examined by a doctor as early as possible. 

Lack of sensation

When you have no feeling in your knees, it is dangerous to engage in any activity that may put pressure on them. This can cause serious injuries and even fracture. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and get knee pain treatment as soon as possible.

Address: 3606 Wheeler Rd, Augusta, GA, 30909
Phone: (706) 310-8863
QC Kinetix (Augusta)

QC Kinetix (Augusta)


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