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How to fix a leaky roof

A leaky roof is the leading cause of leaks in a home. A roof leak can be minor, but if it continues to build up water damage will eventually lead to mold growth. Sometimes, a roof repair alone is not enough. It may need to be replaced. A leaky roof can also cause issues in other areas of your house, like the interior. Here are some tips for repairing your roof.
A quick inspection by an insurance company is required if hail damage has caused damage to your roof. Even though hail damage isn't usually considered urgent, it may be necessary to repair your roof immediately. The replacement of damaged shingles may be required. Roof materials can also be damaged and need to be replaced. You should hire a professional to repair hail damage. Hail impacts can weaken shingles over time. Johns Creek Roofers can help you next time you need a roof repair. We offer emergency services as well as free estimates.

Finding the source of your roof leak is the next step to repair it. The vent pipe boots can be checked to determine the source of the leak. Leakage may be caused when the temperature drops drastically. Other causes of leaks include debris. Debris on your roof can cause water to back up underneath your shingles, and your gutters to overflow. These problems can also allow moisture to enter your basement or crawl space.

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How to fix a leaky roof

How to fix a leaky roof
