Ata Baş's profile

Modern Human: 7 Ethical Issues in Today's Society

Graduation Project
Ata Baş
Visual Communication Design / 2021

01. About Me
02. The Path of the Project
03. Formation of the Project
04. Photos

About Me
For me, design is about finding creative ways around constraints and making complex ideas more accessible. I believe that inspiration can be found in the most ordinary places, and the thought of channeling this inspiration into something tangible always draws me to the sphere of influence. My enthusiasm for music, art and cinema has always provided me with resources for my ideas. My projects, on the other hand, were influenced by the people around me and my tendency to connect different ideas to a single theme.
The Path of the Project
The Topic and Story of the Project

7 Sins

In the historical process, Pope John Paul I. The seven deadly sins shaped by John Paul Gregorius and approved by the Catholic Church are arrogance, greed, lust, jealousy, gluttony, wrath and laziness. These Concepts will be considered as ethical problems that concern people and society. The main topic of this research will be the current equivalents of each title and no religious or ethnic distinction will be made in this process. As a result of the research, seven photographs will be produced and the titles determined will be explained with photographs. The aim of this study is to remind ethical arguments of daily life, which become community norms, to the audience. My goal is to enable viewers to make a connection between photography and their own lives and to start a spark in their mind.
Invitations and Banners

The design Stage

The symbolism of the ouroboros (self-eating snake) used in the design is usually
it carries the meaning of self-reflection or cyclicality, in particular, it symbolizes those who constantly recreate themselves and are perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. Erich Neumann refers to this as the "awake state" of self-preemption.For me, it's better than describing this problem with Ouroboros there was no better way.
Invitations and Banners

Formation of the Project

Modern Human:
7 Ethical Problems in Today's Society

In the research part of the project, resources were used only in the context of historical events. 
The titles have been defined through the people/events that the artist has influenced, witnessed or observed throughout his life.

SWOT Analysis

-Present topic
-Engaging presentation
-The structure that encourages thinking

-Abstract concepts
-Use of metaphors
-Complex narrative structure
-Describing a dynamic topic in a static way

-The abundance of resources
-Examples from the immediate environment related to concepts
-A method of expression that has not been tried before

-Production budget
-A method of expression that has not been tried before
-By his audience due to abstract concepts lack of understanding
Weekly Shoot Plan

Ads, discounts, crazy Friday campaigns. In the modern world, our basket is full of tons of products that we don't need.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
Stop F: f/3.5
Exposure Time: 1/60
ISO: 3200
Focal Length: 15mm

We love the Digital World so much that sometimes
we swipe people "right or left" as if it were a simple social media profile.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
Stop F: f/4
Exposure Time: 1/15
ISO: 1000
Focal Length: 19mm

In our current society, we are no longer interested in neither, what people are acknowledged of nor where did they studied but 
we are interested in how much interaction they get. Therefore, we care about this process so much that sometimes we get jealous.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
F Stop: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 1/125
ISO: 80
Focal Length: 30mm

In the digital world, we create identities, along with retouch applications and instagram filters
we're changing our image. We're trying to look like someone else.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
Stop F: f/4.5
Exposure Time: 1/60
ISO: 6400
Focal Length: 30mm

The agenda topics in our daily lives are now determined on social media platforms. In order to not to fall behind.
we exist on all social media platforms and left alone with thousands of unreviewed emails.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Voigtlander 50mm
Stop F: f/1
Exposure Time: 1/180
ISO: 640
Focal Length: 21mm

Nowadays, we prefer the Internet as a way to express our feelings. We create a cancel culture through social media on issues that we 
physically react to.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
F Stop: f/4.5
Exposure Time: 1/250
ISO: 80
Focal Length: 30mm

We have become so addicted to digital content that the new season of the series we like is gotten ahead of our responsibilities.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30
Lens: Fujifilm XC 15-45
F Stop: f/4
Exposure Time: 1/15
ISO: 3200
Focal Length: 18mm
Modern Human: 7 Ethical Issues in Today's Society

Modern Human: 7 Ethical Issues in Today's Society
