Kami Usu's profileDarya Grigorieva's profile

Women in the city

A series of photographs taken using the freezelight technique
by Kami Usu (Usupova Kamilia), Daria Grigorieva
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021

The Women in the City project aims to return outstanding women to their rightful
place - in the central squares and streets, at the university buildings where they
worked and made revolutionary discoveries, near the hospitals where they rescued
the wounded and invented new methods of treatment. 
We want to put an end to the same type of monuments in granite and venerable
figures in the spirit of "Lenin looks into the distance and thinks about a bright
socialist future." A modern city can speak to residents in their language: why can't
scientists be bright? Why can't monuments create life-affirming and optimistic urban
spaces around them, which will become a point of attraction for young people and
tourists and change the face of the city? In our project, Moscow is not only granite
and domes, it is moving street projections and pictures in virtual reality, monuments
that speak to the viewer.
The Women in the City
by Kami Usu (Usupova Kamilia), Daria Grigorieva 
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021

Workshop: holographer, freezelight techniques
Teacher: Maxim Bykov
Curators: Alexander Serechenko and Ekaterina Pryanichnikova 

                  NUST MISIS
                  Moscow, Russia

Commissioned by ArtTECH — NUST MISIS Master Program 2021
Women in the city