Aris Rubio's profile

lool Process and prototypes

Self-manufactured, bending and shaping of the glasses using mechanical and manual tools made for the project.
This made it possible to go on the market with a collection of 172 references. The presentation was made at Silmo 2016, Mido 2016, and Opti Munich where they awarded the company as the best emerging brand.
Cyborg Monocle: Prototype made at the request of Neil Harbisson (2014)
Sunglasses without lenses: This prototype is a fusion between sunglasses and a visor (2017)
Packaging: The first renderings of the case and packaging (2013)

Product Design: Aris Rubio Hidalgo, (Founder and Product Designer of looleyewear from 2013-2018).
lool Process and prototypes


lool Process and prototypes
