The ChatterBox
Final Uni Practical
This project took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, during a time we were told to distance ourselves from our friends and family ... But who said we can't talk to strangers...
What was the Chatter all about ...
Initiating Communication Between Strangers
A ChatterBox!
A box that is 2m x 2m with crosses in the corners to observe social distancing. 
All it takes is initiation or an innovation.
The concept of the ChatterBox came in a time when we were told to distance ourselves from our loved ones, our acquaintances and our routine. 

2020 gave the world a chance to refresh itself and create... so we innovate 

In public space, with hundreds of people in the same area and almost none will talk to those who they don't know. 
The ChatterBox interjects into the space and creates a new path for socialising.  


