Karl Bembridge's profile

Fussy! | Typographical Poster

Fussy! | Typographical Poster
This project that began in mid January was based around the idea of designing a typographical poster for the word “Fussy”, by the way of a visual style that combines minimalism and simplicity together.

As you will see, the final outcome consists of the word being displayed in a medium-sized sans-serif font, with the letter “F” being half-exclamation mark as a way of helping signify a specific “verbal tone” (a tone itself being that of concern), due to the fact that one exclamation mark on it’s own (seen at the end) would fail to do so.

Also included is that of a grain texture in order to push away from a look that would appear too flat and too polished for my own personal liking.

So, be sure to tell me what you think in the comment section below!

This is a non-commercial project.

*Some imagery has been subject to alteration and editing*

Fonts - Arial Rounded MT Bold
Imagery - Pixabay
Final Design
Fussy! | Typographical Poster

Fussy! | Typographical Poster

Click on my page to see more work.
