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An Overview of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

An Overview of Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine is a field that has become increasingly known by individuals around the United States. There are several different fields that fall under this category, including holistic and functional medicine. Let’s look at some examples of therapies that may be utilized as complementary or alternative treatments.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is widely known and features various therapies that are considered more mainstream. Traditional practices that are included in alternative medicine include:

Healing the Body

Other practices use touch to heal the body and bring relief to patients. Healing in this field relies on the principle that one injury or disruption in the body’s normal functioning can cause difficulty for all other parts of the body. Manually manipulating the body is done in several ways, such as:

Massage therapy
Chiropractic adjustments
Osteopathic medicine
Tai chi
Body movement therapy

Diet & Herbs

Your diet plays a large role in your health, which is known by conventional and alternative healthcare providers around the world. The foods you eat can cause numerous reactions within the body, some of which are beneficial while others are detrimental. Practitioners may suggest patients change their diet, though they may also suggest:

Dietary supplements
Herbal medicine

Certain herbs may affect medications or birth control, so speak with your healthcare provider about interactions between medicines and herbal medicines that are prescribed.
External Energy Therapy

External energy is accumulated when energies from other objects or individuals come into contact with an individual. Energy therapy manipulates the energy in the body and produces positive feelings and physical effects. Energy therapies that your holistic or functional healthcare practitioner may suggest include:

Electromagnetic therapy
Healing the Mind

In holistic healthcare, practitioners focus heavily on the relationship between the mind and the body. This is even true in conventional healthcare, where it has been proven that emotional distress or elation can alter the release of chemicals in the body and cause physical discomfort and ailments. Both mental and emotional health are addressed by holistic practitioners using therapies like:


There are plenty of ways holistic medical practitioners work to heal individuals, including conventional treatments like medication. However, unlike conventional practitioners, individuals seeking holistic care will be introduced to alternative healing practices that lead to a higher quality of life and the relief of aches, pains, and other ailments. 
An Overview of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

An Overview of Complementary & Alternative Medicine


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