Richard Nasti's profile

Hitting a Golf Ball Accurately from the Rough

Richard Nasti is an established presence in the New York real estate development sphere who holds leadership responsibilities with H.J. Kalikow & Company. A golf enthusiast, Richard Nasti enjoys the challenge of improving various aspects of his game on the links.

One of the true challenges in golf is dealing with adversity in the form of tough lies, ranging from depressions to the rough. When the ball is in thick grass or foliage, swing speed alone is not enough for most players to power it back onto the fairway.

A better strategy is to aim for loft, while positioning the body with the weight centered on the front foot. Rather than swinging off the back foot, which will place grass between the ball and the club head, pivot the body around the front foot, which is kept straight and sturdy. The result is a more vertical swing path that results in a firm, relatively low shot with little backspin.

Another undesirable situation in the rough involves not having any grass at all. In this situation, the ball can take strange angles when hit. A winning strategy involves letting the club ride close to the ground as long as possible before impact, which results in an impact on the back of the ball and a hard shot toward the green. One way of perfecting this is to place the ball on a tee just off the turf and practicing shearing that tee without taking off any turf.
Hitting a Golf Ball Accurately from the Rough

Hitting a Golf Ball Accurately from the Rough
