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MojoCastle Press | eStore selling Adult books

Mojocastle Press is an Online Downloadable Book Store. It has the full blown functionality of Magento. Customers have to pay for download books. They can search books by several catagories like; Gener, Author, Book Series, Etc.. In this website users can see the feeds from Twitter. A beautiful wordpress blog is integrated with this site.
Product Showcasing
Multiple Images per product
Stock Availability
Product Option Selection
Recently viewed products
Data Safety & Security
256 bit SSL encryption
PCI compliant site
Scheduling and Tracking
Invoice scheduling
Set Tasks-To do
Analytics & Reporting
Admin Dashboard for Report Overviewn
Abandoned Shopping Cart Report
Coupon Usage Report
Search Terms Report
Product Reviews Report
Total Sales Invoiced
Total Sales Refunded
a. Complete Magent Customization
b. Web Design and Usability
c. Web Development
d. Magento
e. Ecommerce
A scalable solution was delivered on time and within the stipulated budget. It met all the technology requirements of the client, allowing them to scale up their business. The website visitors are now able to search the products as per their need through different options integrated with system, and avail best offers while placing orders. However, the biggest challenge was to design the User Interface to be in sync with the product offerings and keep the navigation & search as per the customer's buying/searching pattern.
MojoCastle Press | eStore selling Adult books

MojoCastle Press | eStore selling Adult books

Mojocastle Press is your one stop store for buying adult books from a choice of some thousands available on it.


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