Emma Snyder's profile

How-To: Manage a Music Maven's Monologue

Managing a Music Maven Monologue

This project revolves around instructing a specific audience on how to do something. However, this project was allowed to be goofy, so my How-To project is How-To deal with that music obsessed friend who can not give you a simple answer when you ask them a simple question. (We all know someone like this: "Hey, who is this song by?" *Deep inhale as a fire is kindled in the eyes of your friend* "OKAY SO THIS BAND-").

This is supposed to be an ad for Spotify. *wink wink*
This is my mind map. I started with something I love (music, surprise surprise) and from there I got some pretty decent ideas.
When I decided on the concept, I started to sketch out my plan for an ad and decided to go with a YouTube ad. Because Spotify doesn't have visual ads.
First copy of step one.
Second design of step one. Mostly the change was the background.
For the next few screenshots, I felt like I needed to keep the green background just in case, but ultimately decided that the black to gray was the way to go. It looks less cartoonish.
Along with the black to gray screen, I got rid of the kinda redundant "Step #". Now it's just a number and the instructions. I also went with a modern sans serif font. The sizing also changed, because we want you to read the instructions, not the animations. Duh.
Finished Step 6.
Step 7, the only difference between this and the finished one is that I used less hearts. It was a bit overwhelming. Your music maven LOVES you; they aren't obsessed with you.
First edit of my video. It has no sound. Note the added copy at the beginning, as well as a plug-in of a Spotify logo (*hint hint*). There are some color changes (the multiple speech bubbles' texts are now colored to match their respective bubbles and to help the white text stand out more).

If you are from Spotify... I do accept checks.
Second and final edit of the video! I added music and fixed a few timing issues, as well as visual things that bothered me the first time around. The music is from www.bensound.com, an electronica bop called "Summer."
This is the final presentation board. Enjoy!
How-To: Manage a Music Maven's Monologue

How-To: Manage a Music Maven's Monologue
