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Three Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress

Three Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress

Promoting his philosophy of wellness, Kurt Lutgert is in the process of writing his first book and developing a spiritual retreat in Puerto Rico. One of the ways Kurt Lutgert maintains his own wellness is through a comprehensive exercise program that includes meditation and yoga

Because of their focus on breathing and relaxation, most yoga poses have a calming influence. A few are particularly effective at relieving stress and tension, including:

1. Eagle pose - Standing with your feet hip-width apart, bring your right arm over the left and bend your elbows to bring your palms together. Slightly bend your knees, and lift one of your thighs over the other. Engaging your core, begin lowering your hips while maintaining a straight spine. This pose is particularly good at alleviating tightness in the hips and shoulders, both known to store tension.

2. Standing forward fold - Bend at the hips so that your hands rest in front of your feet. Shifting your weight onto your heels, grab each elbow with its opposing hand and hold steady for a few breaths. Also known as uttanasana, this pose promotes feelings of peace and helps balance the nervous system.

3. Rabbit pose - Rest your knees on the mat and move forward so that your forehead and the back of your hands also touch the mat. From there, roll to the top of your head, while lifting your hips and interlacing your fingers behind your back. Your arms should be pointed upward above your head.
Three Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress

Three Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress


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