Self-promo campaign.

"Sometimes the biggest change comes from the smallest thing"

The campaign's main concept is based on growth, development, the importance of giving chances.

My idea was to send out Bonsai Tree seeds and the appropriate growing materials to creative agencies.
I designed materials promoting the idea Make it Grow, Make me Grow. 
I wanted to symbolise myself with the seeds.
If the people from the company decide to grow the Bonsai seeds into a little tree, it will give them cleaner,
fresher air. 
If they decide to take me on board and help me develpe as a designer, take care of me and guide me, in return I'll give them fresh ideas, innovation and great designs.
It's all about the creation of mutually beneficial connections.
Print-ready files for the box containing the seeds.
Flyer and mini-book with instructions design.
Bonsai - Promo Campaign

Bonsai - Promo Campaign

Self-promo campaign design.


Creative Fields