Convocation at the National Institute of Design is the biggest event we hold each year. When students graduate, there are ample number of visitors who attend the event, and discover new things about design. All disciplines are given a display box to work with. Our discipline, exhibition & spatial design, is one which not many know of. Working together as a group, expressing student views, showing our past experiences and capturing the essence of our discipline is what we needed to being into one tiny space.
The theme our group chose was 'building castles in the sky' and in this case, quite literallly. We wished to show how our discipline can usher it's students toward endless possibilities and create new oppertunities; whether in terms of big spaces or small. 
Some of the models worked on by stdents are placed on the so called 'clouds'.
Photographs and experiences of various projects.
The display box at night.
The display box

The display box

A small project a group of us took up for convocation 2012.
