Stefan Gašparović's profile

Culinary Academy | Hanging Gardens of Bežanija

Hanging garden + Culinary academy

Context is Bežanija hill. What I need is a garden hanging from that hill. 
Iit must be an architectural constructed layer of air mounted on the hill. 
Layer of air that contains spaces and program. 
Idea is that this architectural structure, in essence, exists to put user in certain position related to nature.
Series of beam girders, anchored in the hill, are defining added layer of air. A single staircase interweaves between beams, descending from the top of the hill and connecting all spaces.
concept collage
vertical plan
vertical plan
horizontal plan / segment
horizontal plan / segment
vertical plan / segment
collage of atmosphere
collage of atmosphere
Culinary Academy | Hanging Gardens of Bežanija

Culinary Academy | Hanging Gardens of Bežanija

First year master project mentor, Vladimir Milenković


Creative Fields