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Product | First Aid Kit for a World Without Thumbs

First Aid Kit for a world with no thumbs

In a speculative design project that pushes the boundaries of conventional first aid, we reimagined the ubiquitous first aid kit for a world where humans have evolved to have four fingers. This project, steeped in a blend of ergonomic design and anthropological foresight, represents a thoughtful exploration into how physical evolution impacts product utility and design requirements.

Designers: Valerie Ng, Rain Tay, John Marie Tan
Design Discipline: Speculative Design, Critical Inquiry, Product Design

Cotton Bud​​​​​​​
An ‘S’ shaped handle for the cotton bud allows it to be stacked against itself whilst making it effortless to pick up from a flat surface.

A semi-opened wax paper backing removes the hassle of getting through several layers of wrapping before application, allowing the plaster to instantly stick to one’s skin once removed from its box.

Small serrated edges on the packaging allow pills to be easily torn away. The pill’s textured surface creates enough friction for pills to be retrieved from a flat surface with ease.

Product | First Aid Kit for a World Without Thumbs


Product | First Aid Kit for a World Without Thumbs


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