Isaac Thomas's profile

MOPA Museum Visit

Museum Visit to MOPA

For an assignment for my Photography class, I took a visit to The Museum of Photographic Arts located in Balboa Park. I went by myself on a weekend, it is about a 45-minute drive from my house so I had to plan ahead of time. I went to the exhibit seeking influence for my photographic work, I wanted to see a new perspective of photography an possibly be inspired to use techniques I have not yet tried. An exhibit that really stood out to me was the Morrie Camhi: The Jews of Greece exhibit. I loved the depiction of many portraits trailing down this hallway which lead to a large greyscale image. When I went I was nearly alone in the museum so as I walked down the aisle I felt a sense of loneliness yet still peaceful in a sense. This exhibit inspired me to try some greyscale work. Throughout the rest of the museum was tons of other greyscale work that inspired my so I was determined to take some photos and convert them to greyscale. The images I took were from The Stone Brewing Co. in San Marcos which houses a lot of beautiful greenery and a Koi pond which I felt turned out beautiful once turned to greyscale. Overall, the experience was great, it really allowed me as an artist to soak up a lot of very creative work and brought to light the many ways in which people express themselves. Which is something that I think is very important for all artists to be able to see. My inspiration pictures are shown below: 

MOPA Museum Visit

MOPA Museum Visit
