Mariana Vazquez Martinez's profile

What Is Inflation? - Motion Graphics

In economics, inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.

Using motion graphics tools like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects, I was able to create visuals for The Guardian: What is Inflation? Economics Explained - YouTube 
Process: Conceptualization, Design, and Animation
1. Moodboard
An Infographic Style for the composition with a basic, clean, popular 2D Animation and Kinetic Typography. Studies show that we retain information better so animated typography is a key component.
2. Storyboard
Economics is like a river that flows from town to town, that studies how resources are distributed  in our society. The marketplace (holding what we want) can be used with others in case they want something of yours, exchanging goods as a trade. The “river” that is inflation, flows to the currency of supply and demand, if there is little of one thing, that thing becomes higher in price(this also includes incentives and opportunity costs)
3. Vector Art & Animation
Using Adobe Illustrator I created artwork applicable to the topic and practiced my skills on enhancing the images through stylistic effects and precision
What Is Inflation? - Motion Graphics

What Is Inflation? - Motion Graphics
