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let you gain insights into business opportunities!

Help you clear away the three layers of "fog" and let you gain insights into business opportunities!
This article is the previous article "Fox: Teach you to find inspiration for high-priced products from "yourself"! 》Extended version.
After the last article was published, many friends told me one after another that it was like a door to a new world had opened before my eyes.
Two days ago, an experienced driver told me that following the thread of the article, he found three products with a profit of 1,000-3,000 within two days. I was very pleased.
At the same time, I believe that even after reading that article, some people will still be

  confused and still can’t find the right product.

Why is this so?
In this article, Teacher Fox will analyze  HE Tuber
 the principles for you from multiple aspects such as human nature and psychology.
PS: The content of this article should be something that no one outside will tell you!
1. Why can’t you find opportunities?
When some people start a business and choose products, they feel that there is a red ocean everywhere. It seems that many people are making any product...
This type of person will feel as if the entire market has no chance. The products you see and the industries you think of seem to have been developed and perfected.
I believe there are many friends who have this kind of thinking. Teacher Fox believes that it is normal for people with this kind of thinking to not find opportunities, because all you see in your eyes are difficulties, so you cannot break through the thinking frame of "difficulties" .
In fact, there are not no opportunities in this market. No matter how the market develops, some laws will not change, and the nature of some needs will not change.
You must first understand one thing. Everything you can think of or think of is already being done by someone. You are not the first to meet these needs and products, and you

  will not be the last.

For us, what we need to do is: find a place that most people can't understand, where the competition is relatively small, and work hard on it, and cultivate our own one-third of an acre of land!
Therefore, the reason is not that you can't find opportunities. Many times opportunities are in front of you, but you just can't see them.
Because there are three "fogs" in front of you.
Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to help you clear away the three fogs in front of you, so that you can discover many opportunities that you have not seen before in the process of starting a business.
In fact, there are many factors that affect your discovery of business opportunities, including your personality, cognition, values, living habits, etc., which all have a great relationship!

2. Dismantle the core reasons

From here on, you can follow my thoughts on the following content and try to do "self-examination" while reading it.
If after reading the following content, you can clear away the three layers of "fog" in front of you, your perspective on things will be improved.
1. Personality fog
We have all heard that "character determines destiny". In fact, your character determines what kind of products you can make!
Whether you can make high-priced products has a lot to do with your personality.
Your personality factors will directly affect the projects and products you choose.
For example, if a person is very focused and patient, has been studying in a field, and has a thorough understanding of this professional theory, you will naturally find many opportunities.
If a person is arrogant and impetuous, and thinks he is the best in the world after only learning a little bit, you will not be able to calm down and learn at a deeper level. When you see something, you will think that I understand it, it is very simple, everyone can do it, but if you don't practice it, you will not do anything well.
In the same way, if you are a fussy person, you will spend a long time chatting with customer service when buying a 9.9 product...
You will find it difficult for you to sell 9.9 products, because you are a very price-sensitive person, and your personality affects your brain's judgment of product value.

2. Get used to the fog

Whether you can make products with high customer unit prices and whether you can see these opportunities, your habits are very important.
Including your living habits, shopping habits, behavioral habits, etc.
For example, if you usually buy a product that costs tens of yuan or two to three hundred yuan, you have to think about it and compare products...
Obviously, these habits make you less suitable for selling products with high customer unit prices, because these shopping habits will affect your perspective on the problem.
From the side, you are very sensitive to product price. If you are price sensitive, you will have lower requirements for product quality and experience.
So, even if you think about it every day and look for opportunities every day, what you can see are products that cost 9.9 yuan or dozens of yuan.
Because when you have this habit, it means that you don’t understand people who buy at high unit prices, what are they thinking in their brains, what are their consumption habits,

  and what do they value when shopping...

Therefore, the products you usually choose and the projects you look for are all at low unit prices and sell cheap things. In your heart, you will be more inclined to serve people who correspond to your consumption habits.
These behaviors of yours have become a habit. When you see others selling expensive things, you will think these people are fools.

let you gain insights into business opportunities!

let you gain insights into business opportunities!
