Design and Visualisation by Stephanie
Tools :     SketchUp Pro
                Su Podium
                Adobe Photoshop

Project :       Air Shaft Design
Location  :   Saraca View Singapore

The Entrance
Vertical timber screen divides the living, creating a mysterious entry passage.
The arch shaped opening design on the main wall, visually enlarge the depth of the entire house from the entrance to the kitchen.
The Red Iron Pot
The suspended tea pot from the air shaft timber above, added an outstanding accent to the calm environment amidst the industrial and rustic wood screens theme finishes.

Bringing In The Natural Light
Flows of daylight from the air shaft lit up both the dark staircase corridor and the open concept kitchen.

Visually Extended
The lengthy table elongated the entrance passage further, creating a modern minimalist touch with the white tones stone finishes on it.

Bringing In Nature As An Art
The enormous suspended light resembles the branches of a tree and creates a decor art piece against the plain high wall of the air shaft.
Timber beams above the ceiling not only add textures, it serves to hold the laminated clear glass sitting above it.

An excellent 'Space' to immerse yourself in!

The existing windows and sliding doors of the air shaft ( on the right) were all removed and re constructed for this 'secluded area' as the heart of the house.
The existing staircase were remodelled, to clad with the timber screens finishes to integrate the entire aura.

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A Secluded Shaft

A Secluded Shaft
