Manon Leverrier's profile

D'roll - To prevent motion sickness

The project started from October 2020 to March 2021. Following proposals for various subjects, we chose to focus on the issues surrounding motion sickness, also known as kinetosis. In-depth research were carried out, allowing us to understand the sensory mechanisms inducing this discomfort, to know what solutions exist, and finally to precisely understand our target and define the needs around this problem. Therefore we intensified our research in order to determine the essential raw materials to respond to our issue and satisfy the duality of two factors, namely the pleasure of eating and the prevention of the symptoms concerned. Then we thought of different product concepts that would meet our specifications.
The opinion of the concerned parents was an important aspect that we had to take into account, which is why group interviews were held with parents whose children suffer from kinetosis. These discussions led us to reconsider the form of our product and its consumption way. Wishing to respond to an issue that is distressing for both children and their families, we have given thought to a product that is practical and, above all, fun by including a game in the packaging and also directly through the consumption way. In this way, the moment of consumption is associated with an enjoyable activity, and not simply with a necessity. Our research and discussions with some parents led us to imagine a new consumption experience: sucking a fruit puree through an edible straw.
Our project focuses on the design of the first bi-product to prevent the symptoms of travel sickness, so it is neither a drug nor a homeopathic product. The treatment of the symptoms is done through the formulation by using raw materials beneficial to the body for this situation. This is also done through the playful aspect of the game and consumption. In this way, we act on the sensory problem at the origin of the ailments: the discrepancy between what the body feels (vestibular system) and what the child perceives (visual system). Moreover, we have always favoured consumption in the car, so it was essential to make packaging that would prevent the product from spilling.
As our product has a health aspect, it seemed important to us to carry out an effectiveness test. We were able to talk to a specialist in use testing, consumer testing and clinical testing who was able to advise us on how to proceed as soon as we start our activity. To date, we have carried out a small-scale use test, again by approaching parents via an online questionnaire. With parental permission we were able to send our products to families. The children tested the bi-product, according to a previously established protocol, with a hedonic test and a test in real conditions for children who were ill during transport. We need hardly mention that D'Roll is mainly intended for children. In view of the health recommendations, we wanted to offer a healthy product.
This project was a good example on how to launch a new product. Every one had to be mutlitask and know the whole project; through marketing, product design, dose and food process. At the end of this journey, we presented the project to some big food-processing company.
D'roll - To prevent motion sickness

D'roll - To prevent motion sickness
