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Free Hosting for Students with Cpanel

Free Hosting for Students with cPanel

Best free hosting with cPanel is a great opportunity for students who want to create and host their own website without the cost of purchasing hosting. 

With free hosting for students, they can take advantage of the many features, including email management, database administration, and website analytics. 

This option is especially helpful for students who are learning web development and want to showcase their skills by creating their own websites. By using free hosting with cPanel, students can gain valuable experience in website creation and management, without having to spend money on hosting fees.

What is Free Hosting? 

Free hosting is a type of web hosting service that allows website owners to host their websites at no cost. With free hosting, website owners can use a server provided by the hosting company to store their website files and make their website accessible on the internet. 

Free hosting is often used by individuals or small businesses who are just starting out and do not have the budget to pay for a paid hosting service. 

However, it's important to note that free hosting usually comes with some limitations, such as limited storage space, bandwidth, and features, as well as potential ads on the website. 

Best Free Hosting Providers

GoogieHost is a free web hosting provider that offers basic hosting services at no cost. The company was founded in 2011 and is based in India.

While GoogieHost may be a good option for students and those who are just starting out with a simple website, it may not be suitable for more complex websites or businesses that require more robust hosting services.

Free Hosting Features Of GoogieHost 

They offer ultimate free hosting services packed with our most popular cPanel "DirectAdmin" to manage your free web hosting. Along with our free web hosting Website builder, you get free webmail access, SSD-boosted drives, a fast MySQL database, and much more are as follow.

1000MB SSD Storage 
100 GB Bandwidth
Hotlink Protection
2 MySQL Database
2 FTP Accounts
Free Website Builder 
Free CMS Installer
Online Filemanager
PHP all versions
Control Panel 
Malware Protection
24/7 Customer Support

Pros And Cons of GoogieHost 
Here are some pros and cons of using GoogieHost for free web hosting:

No Cost
cPanel Control Panel
Website Builder
One-Click Installers
24/7 customer support through live chat and ticket system.
No force advertisement.

Does not provide international support.

Free Hosting for Students with Cpanel

Free Hosting for Students with Cpanel


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