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Top 10 Indian Food With Low Calories

Top 10 Indian Food With Low Calories
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Indian food with low calories
Top 10 Indian food with low calories
Sabudana khichdi
Lentil veggies soup
Cauliflower and Oats Tikki
Hara Bhara Kebabs
Cucumber raita
Ragi dosa
Indian cuisine has the creamiest, richest, and most favourable delicacies. The cuisine has a lot of variety in types of Indian food. It can be a daunting task to find out Indian food with low calories from the Indian cuisines. Almost every state of India has its cuisine on the list of types of Indian food. Therefore, Indian cuisines are vast and have a lot of variety. The diversity in Indian cuisine is due to the diversity in the country. Furthermore, in India, the major distinctions are between south Indian and north Indian cuisine. However, to help our health-conscious people we have listed the top 10 Indian foods with low calories.
Corriander leaf is a place where the health of the customer is of utmost importance. Therefore, the food is prepared with complete hygiene. The oil used in cooking is of high quality. Corriander leaf is a place where you can find a large variety of food.
Indian food with low calories
Although, Indian cuisines are famous for their deep fried food. However, the cuisines also have a house for low calorie food. The low calorie food is as appetizing as the deep-fried ones.
Indian food not only involves spicy, greasy, and indulgent. We don’t take into notice our everyday foods like dal, raita, and chapati which are some of the healthiest foods one can opt for. A person who is on a weight loss diet needs to keep his calories in check. Although, before being on a low-calorie diet you should be aware that calories are not bad. Caloric units measure the energy you get from food. A low calories diet gives about 800-1500 calories per day. The calorie requirement of a person differs based on the person’s profession, height, and weight. Hence, you should understand that each and every person has different calorie requirements.
Furthermore, nutrient-dense foods should be part of your low-calorie diet. Make sure your diet has enough fiber, lean protein, and good fats. Furthermore, it is completely fine to treat yourself with high-calorie treats once in a while.
However, it is not enough to follow a diet. You should make sure that the food you are eating should be prepared with hygiene. We at Corriander Leaf offer a wide range of customizable services. We believe that the way to our customer’s hearts is not just through their stomach. It is through their soul. So, we make sure that our services become the soul of each and every event irrespective of how big or small they are.
Top 10 Indian Food With Low Calories
We have made a list in which the Indian food with low calories is listed in such a way that they aren’t just for your diet but brim with diverse flavours we all long for.
The dish is part of Gujarati cuisine. It is a snack. As we all know that snacking comes so naturally to us as Indians. Therefore, Indian cuisine has some of the best starters and snacks. Dhokla rules hearts across the world. A combination of beans, yoghurt, baking powder, semolina, and lime juice makes the dish.
The taste of the dhokla is a bit savoury and sweet. Yellow in colour, it is soft and fluffy. However, along with being a snack, dhokla can be eaten as a side dish, as the main course, and even as a breakfast. 
Furthermore, dhokla calories per piece are 152 on average. A piece of dhokla on average has about carbohydrates- 48 grams of, sugar-8 grams of, magnesium- 4% of daily value, calcium- 4% of the daily value, phosphorus- 2% of the daily value, and potassium- 15% of the daily value.
In case, looking for a low calorie breakfast Indian cuisine will surprise you. Indian cuisine has tons of low calorie breakfast options that are quite appetizing. However, among the types of Indian food, the North and South Indian delicacies dominate but poha is a West Indian delight. It is a great option for breakfast, It brings so many flavors to the table, and yet it is low calorie. Beaten rice is the base of the dish. Chopped vegetables, peanuts, and some rai can be added to add some flavors.
Furthermore, one plate of poha gives about 180 calories. One plate of poha has 100 calories of carbohydrates, 71 calories of fat, and 9 calories of protein. 
Another snack of Indian cuisine. Street food in India is famous for its spicy nature however, bhel is a fast food snack with low calories. Bhel made up of puffed rice combined with chopped vegetables like onion, tomato, cucumber, plain coriander, and freshly grounded spices is perfect for the health conscious. Bhel is tangy, flavorful as well as nutrient-rich, and very low on calories. 
Sabudana Khichdi 
Sabudana khichdi is the most celebrated dish during festivals like Navratri. It is a no-hassle dish and is packed with nourishing goodness. The sabudana khichdi is made with a blend of succulent tapioca pearls that are dunken in it, herbs, peanuts, and spices. 
Use a bit of ghee to make the dish more filling. It helps you from craving food quickly. Low-calorie content, a fulfilling trait, and simple ingredients make this recipe ideal for healthy weight loss.
As sabudana khichdi serves a complete meal. Sabudana khichdi gives 655 calories per serving. Proteins account for 39 calories, carbohydrates comprise 344 calories, and fat for 288 calories.  
Lentil veggies soup
The dinner options in the Indian cuisines have irresistible curries and luscious delicacies, hence it is a heavy dinner meal. However, if you are looking for a healthy, low-calorie meal for your dinner. Then the veggie soup is the perfect meal for you.
The recipe for the soup is very simple and very easy to prepare. 
Pressure cook the lentils like black gram, spinach, carrots, and green chili. Now, blend the mixture to a soup-like texture. Next, add some spices like turmeric, salt, and black pepper according to the taste. Cook for about a few minutes. And your bowl of protein-filled, nutrient-dense soup is ready. Moreover, there is no need to use any thickening agent like all-purpose flour or corn flour because the lentils make the soup silky smooth. 
The lentil veggies soup per serving gives 194 calories. Which carbohydrates- 34 grams, fiber-7 grams, protein-13 grams, and sodium-231 grams.
Upma is a famous dish in south Indian cuisine. Primarily, upma is made up of semolina which is cooked and roasted with pantry staples such as carrots, peppers, varied lentils, roasted nuts, and onions. Furthermore, add some mild spices. However, in place of semolina oats can also be used in the upma. Moreover, it will enhance the nutritional value of this healthy and low-calorie snack.
Furthermore, upma gives 209 calories per 100 grams. There are approximately 3grams of fiber, 71 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of protein, 1gram of fat, and minerals like potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.   
Ingredients of Rava Upma-5 gram Mustard seeds, 2-gram Black gram dal, 250 Gram Semolina, 2 gram Bengal gram dal, 100 gram Onions, 5-gram Green chilies, 25-gram Cashew nuts, 2 gram Curry leaves salt, 650 ml Water, 75 gram Ghee. For Garnishing: Coconut, Coriander leaves
Instructions: Boil the water. Next, slice the onions and cut the chilies. Heat a pan with ghee in it. Add the dals and saute until golden. Next, add mustard. Now, add onions, cashew nuts, curry leaves, and green chilies. Add boiling water. Keep stirring with salt. The upma is cooked when the moisture absorbs. Finally, mix the upma and garnish it with coriander leaves and grated coconut.
Cauliflower and Oats Tikki
Although, tikkas are made by mixing spiced mashed potatoes with an array of tangy ingredients. Shape the potatoes into a disc. Next, deep-fry the potatoes until they become crispy. This recipe sounds appetizing and the calorie count can catch you off guard.
However, this dish is a low-calorie and tempting alternative to this aloo tikkis. The cauliflower and oats tikkis are packed with the goodness of fiber-enriched oats and cauliflower. Moreover, the snack is rich in antioxidants and vitamins owing to all the veggies that go into preparing the Tikki.
Furthermore, the calories of a dish per Tikki are 25 calories. This includes carbohydrates-2.7 grams, protein-0.8 grams, fiber-0.8 grams, and fats- 1.2 grams.
Hara Bhara Kebabs
The hara bhara kebabs are a great option for a low-calorie dinner. These kebabs are a solid punch in terms of their nutritional quotient. 
The recipe is quite simple. Blend boiled sweet potatoes, spinach, capsicum,  capsicum, green peas, mint, and cilantro to a puree-like consistency.
Mix these ingredients with the oats for binding. Next, add spices then roll into flat balls. Now, cook on the lightly oiled skillet. The hard bhara kebabs are rich in magnesium and vitamin E and great for boosting the immune system. It has been shown that Carotenoids in sweet potatoes lower the risk of cancer and reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
Furthermore, the calorie per Hara bhara kebab is 45 calories. This includes fiber-1.8 grams, carbohydrates- 6.6 grams, protein- 2.4 grams, and fat- 0.9 grams. 
Cucumber Raita
The cucumber raita is a flavoursome and quick complement to dinner or lunch. The recipe for cucumber raita is very simple and hence, it is very easy to prepare. Mix some curd with spices like curry leaf powder, salt, mint powder, roasted cumin, and a little green chilli paste. Now, add some water and grated cucumber to the raita. The cucumber raita is a low-calories dish. Moreover, it is rich in calcium and protein. The chopped veggies can replace the cucumber.
Furthermore, the cucumber raita per serving gives 40 calories per serving. It includes protein- 3.7 grams, carbohydrates-5.9 grams, fiber-0.9 grams, and fat- 0.1 grams.
Ragi Dosa 
Ragi dosa is a part of South Indian cuisine. The desi eaters everywhere love the dish. Ragi dosa is not a traditional dish. Moreover, many people did not know about the dish a few decades ago. It is health awareness that led to the invention of the age dosa. The consumption of ragi regularly in small quantities can boost our iron and calcium levels. The main constituent of the dosa is ragi rather than rice, unlike the traditional dosa. The batter of the dosa is a mixture of rice flour, water, spices, and ragi flour. Use coriander and onion to enhance the taste. Next, cook the dosa in a pan. You can serve the dish with sambar or chutney. The ragi dosa is a great option for a low-calorie meal. Moreover, most of the fats are unsaturated which makes it even healthier. 
Furthermore, the ragi dosa gives 133 calories per dosa. It includes carbohydrates-18.1 grams, fibre- 3 grams, protein-3.2 grams, and fat- 5.4 grams.
Although, Indian cuisines are famous for their fried and spicy dishes but yet there are a lot of healthy options available. We discussed different types of Indian food with low calories that can be a healthy option for your dinner, breakfast, snacks, etc. All the dishes listed here in the blog are low-calorie and health-conscious people can completely count on them. Moreover, along with being healthy Indian food never misses out on bringing flavors to the table. The dishes on the list along with being healthy are tasty too. Hence, you don’t have to give up the tasty flavors and yet follow a healthy diet. However, oats idli, moong dal cheela, green pea pancake, cod curry, and many more are dishes that are a part of low calories Indian food.
Corriander leaf is a place where hygiene is considered to be important. It is the top priority of the restaurant. At Corriander Leaf we are committed to providing excellent service to all of our guests, no matter the occasion. Just in case,  you are planning a large event or an intimate dinner party, our team of professionals is here to cater to your every need.

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Top 10 Indian Food With Low Calories

Top 10 Indian Food With Low Calories


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