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Increasing muscle mass is the desire of most men and women, although, among women, many fear to look masculine. The term muscle definition, widely used by lay people is nothing more than a gain in muscle mass with consequent loss of fat.

To get "big", to have muscle hypertrophy, as some say, it's not enough to do weight training in an unplanned way, it takes a lot of discipline and a set of factors from genetic load, training periodization, to the food that is ingested. Still, load control is essential. if the training is excessive we can come across, loss of lean mass.

Therefore, for positive results of your training to gain lean mass, there must be careful planning of training and food, according to the goals and individuality of each one. Following a proper training program will provide the lean mass gain that is the basis of a number of health benefits.

How does muscle gain work?

It is a combination of several factors, not limited to training alone.

It starts with the levels of hormones in the body, especially anabolic ones, with more influence on testosterone, predominant in men, but also found in women. This hormone is synthesized from fat and stimulated by heavy training.

There is also rest time. Here we are talking about the main period of rest in which the body's tissues regenerate, which is sleep. During sleep. several hormones are also released, one of them is GH which is primarily responsible for muscles regeneration and growth.

Age needs to be taken into account. We know that from the age of 30, there are already declines in the body, and around 35 we already start to have a loss of lean mass. Thus, gaining muscle mass from this age is more difficult, but a well-planned training is able to achieve this goal without problems.

This is also where the individual's biotype comes in. Therefore, in addition to age, your genetic background has a lot of influence.

Apart from these points to be taken into account, we have the two best known ones, which is food in a good training program.

Through food, muscle mass gain takes place from the right choice of foods, in their proportions and qualities.

And the training must be adequate to the individual's biotype and its objectives and accompanied by a qualified physical education professional with good knowledge,

More didactically, it needs the triad: stimulus – nutrition – rest.
Muscle mass gain occurs through exercises (stimulus) that generate micro injuries in the muscles, after which they will regenerate through the factors mentioned above (food, rest, hormones) promoting the increase of the muscle according to the given stimulus.

The benefits of gaining muscle mass

-Acceleration of metabolism;
-Using fat as energy to keep the body working, as bigger and stronger muscles need more energy;
-Joint protection. stronger muscles can promote greater joint stabilization.
-With more developed muscles, you have more strength and less muscle loss (sarcopenia), which is natural with advancing age;
-Prevention of various diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart attacks, arthritis, etc.;
-Prevents or relieves back pain;
-Release of endorphins, leaving the individual in a better mood and with a better physical disposition, combating depression;
-Improved posture;
-Improves self-esteem;
-Depending on the way the exercises are performed, the cardiorespiratory system can be stimulated for individuals with low respiratory capacity.

How your student's metabolism reacts to muscle mass gain
The metabolism must work in a balanced way, neither too slow nor too fast. Either of the two extremes can lead to a decrease in physical activity, making it impossible to gain muscle mass.

But speeding up the metabolism a little, that is, the reactions that occur in the body within its own conditions bring benefits to the gain of lean mass and the elimination of body fat. This is achieved through physical activities.

Here too, the recommended thing is not to overtrain. This can produce high levels of catabolic (muscle-breaking) hormones such as cortisol and glucagon, as well as causing the body to save energy rather than spend it, resulting in metabolic slowdowns.

Muscles are metabolically active and affect the way the body handles nutrients, for example, people with a higher proportion of lean body mass (combined with a healthy diet) typically have better control of insulin and other hormones that regulate body functions .



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