Type of Day Poster:
The object of this project was to record a day in our life of our choice and turn it into a typographic poster that expressed the emotions we were feeling just by looking at it. The color scheme is red, white and black because it was a very scary and traumatizing day that was chosen.
Below is the plan of action in half hour increments of what that day consisted of.
Below you see the sketches: The object of this to draw out our thoughts using types, shapes and both to create an appealing composition.
Below is the sketch that will become digitized:
The very first attempt during critique. lots of repeated words and keeping the  color scheme going. Some areas the letters are all boggled up.
After Critique you see instead of repetitive wording, actual questions I am asking and telling myself, along with activities I did such as: school or shows. The time stamps have been arranged as well.
Even though it says final poster, its more like the final before the big finale. In some spots the words like "cancer turned a red color", add thinner and thicker varieties of one font family to each section.
The final poster and mockup
Type of Day Poster


Type of Day Poster


Creative Fields