My Brave Journey

Impact Lab 2: People

A Brave Life

The product of a two and a half day design intensive, teamed with five colleges across the various disciplines of design and given a design problem to be solved .

We were partnered with A Brave Life - a not-for-profit community organisation based in Brisbane, whose passion is to work with and improve the educational future of teenage mothers through support, guidance and mentoring.

We were given the task of design a solution to assist in reducing the stigma related to teenage motherhood and come up with a concept to support their continuing journey through their education.
The divergent thinking processes of initial research, concept mapping and brainstorming allowed us to explore a variety of areas. It was from here we were able to narrow down our problem statement.
We attempted to solve this problem through the design of a yearly planner "My Brave Journey" - filled with positive affirmations, up-lifting stories, healthy recipes, links to important health and wellness services as well as space to jot down important dates and reminders.

We aimed at creating this planner for teenage mothers to receive as part of their 'baby bundle' from A Brave Life. However we wanted to make it available to young people more broadly as we know that adolescents and the transition to adulthood is big journey needing external support networks.

We recognise that accomplishing big goals can seem difficult at first and we wanted to provide a simple way for these goals to become even more achievable. Having a tangible planner means it can be sent out via post to rural and remote communities that may not have the same support as inner city counterparts.
Our concept would also provide an opportunity to collect and partner with other organisations, artists and spokespersons to share their inspirations through a range if media.

We proposed the planner could promote a yearly fundraiser that sourced local artists to submit their designs for a cover art competition. Connecting local communities, provide opportunities for more voices to be heard and gaining important funds needed for A Brave Life.

We suggested the planner could also be sold within the company's online store to be bought as a gift and assist with funding.
Over the course of the design intensive, our team worked to use a range of problem solving and iterative approaches to reach our design proposal.
Thank you
My Brave Journey

My Brave Journey

A group design project targeted at reducing stigma around teenage pregnancy and raising awareness around mental health and wellness


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