Daisy Wilkinson's profile

Hygge - March to may 2021

As this project is all about the little comforts and joys in life, I researched hygge. This is noticing a moment that may not seem significant, as charming, special or comforting. For example feeling the warmth of a cup of tea or lighting a candle. 
Inspired by my hygge research i did illustrations depicted little moments that give me comfort. 
inspired by hygge I did embroidery using felt and knitted pieces. I choose these fabrics as they have the conations of warmth and cosiness. I also thought it made it look more sweet. The piece on the right is me lying in bed reading, I knitted the pieces myself. 
This is a mood board inspired by hygge. The photos on the left are my own and the photos on the right are techniques I wanted to uses in a piece. 
This was a basic sketch and samples for an embroidery piece inspired by hygge. I did a ew knitting and embroidery techniques to see which textures I preferred. 
An contact sheet of my own photography sheet inspired by hygge
A paper cut piece inspired by the steam of warmth that comes out of your cup of tea. In between where I have cut away you can see detailing of another piece which I really feel adds to it!
This is the other side of the tea paper cutting piece. I wanted to show the magic and comfort of a good book. 
Another paper cut experiment. This one is based on the invisible strong myth. This is we are all tied onto a string and our soulmate is on the other end. Although it can get tangled it is never broken. I outlined the string shape in gold and flowers. behind you can see ironed plastic. 
This is media experimentation. When I mentioned this project to others they said how the sky at different times of day comforted them. So I experimented with how to show the sky without being too literal. On the left is a cardboard print edited on photoshop. On the right is felt I made and ironed plastic. 
Another media experiment with focusing on the sky at multiple times of day. I liked the texture of the cardboard so I made a sculpture.
A media experiment, cardboard print. I got thick cardboard and peeled away the top layer to get the corrugated texture underneath. I then coloured that print in and used tea bags to create a pattern within the pattern. 
Media experiment. Behind the invisible string piece is this. I wanted to experiment with textures so I ripped up a book, ironed plastic and layered that with a pattern I had accidently created on paper protecting paint from getting on another spread. 
Artist research into Post-Impressionism.
As part of artists research I did this. As Post-Impressionists capture the feeling of a place I did that through colour in quick sketches. 
The Post-Impressionism painting technique of "impasto" looked like embroidery pieces to me. So this is me creating a sewn piece. 
This hoop is inspired by Post-Impressionism painting technique and is of a pond. 
A quick sketch on the front of my sketchbook. 
Artist research into Juno Birch. they do work expressing their personality and drag queen clothing. It is her funny way of stating to the world she will be herself no matter what. 
My designs and finished piece inspired by Juno Birch artists research. I love the 50's era, flowers and painting so I wanted to include those aspects in the piece. 
Inspired by shadow boxes I created this house out of paper, tracing paper and a led light. I wanted it to be warm and cosy feeling, so it depicts 2 cups of tea in front of a fire. 
Artist research into Clare Nattress. Although her work is on pollution, she collected data and showed it in so many interesting ways it made me want to do the same. 
Survey data: food and drinks. I did a survey asking what comforted people. to show the results I replicated food to show peoples favourite dishes. I made the shapes with food inside bigger or smaller depending on how many people said it. For every person i gave 3cm. 9 people said cake, so 3 x 9 = 27cm. Which is why it is one of the largest shapes. 
Survey data: sounds. I made shapes inspired by what sounds people liked and made thick collages. 
Survey data: smell. I did a pattern with all the smells people liked. I printed that out on paper for the origami piece. 
I made water lily origami shapes in 4 different sizes. I choose water lilies as the smell of flowers comforted people and water calmed them. I printed off the pattern I made showing all peoples favourite smells on the paper and used that. 
Survey data: nature. I printed out photos showing what comforted people and the amount of photos sows how many people said it. I also used the coloured square in this same method. I did 2 zines full of collages showing the data too. 
Zine collage data results. Favourite animals. 
Zine collage data results. Rural landscapes. 
Zine collage data results. Autumn and mountains
Zine collage data results. the sky and sea. 
Zine collage data results. The night sky. 
I made mini sculptures showing the data results. Here is a contact sheet of the angles of photography I took. 
These sculptures showed the results of my survey. Each bead is colour coded and the amount of beads is how many people said it. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. People and how they interact witgh their phones. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. People and how they interact witgh their phones. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. Data about people. Family history, friends, tracking habits, eyes, inside the body is all shown in this mind map.  
Initial research into themes before the project began. Data and collections. I looked into how people show collections and took my own photography. i did blind drawings too. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. Data and collections, putting objects in order. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. Data and collections. Before creating something new out of an old thing, it must be researched, taken apart and reconstructed. I looked into this concept. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. I researched how people made art out of old collections. I also researched map art for journeys and data. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. I researched the types of journeys through emotional ones, stories, maps and stars. 
Initial research into themes before the project began. Data and journeys. I recorded my journey through photography and paintings. 
Hygge - March to may 2021

Hygge - March to may 2021
