Promise Robotics

Promise Robotics: Branding the Future of Construction

Promise Robotics aims to revolutionize the construction industry by leveraging advanced robotics and AI to enable affordable and sustainable residential construction. Their mission is to empower builders, developers, and AEC professionals to harness industrialized automation for a more sustainable construction future.

We were tasked with designing a logo and visual identity that captures Promise Robotics' brand personality—impactful, bold, smart, revolutionary, inspiring, and reliable—while resonating with the target audience. Furthermore, we were tasked with creating a website that positions Promise Robotics as the future of construction, helping the company to draw talent and entice potential investors and industry partners. The challenge lay in designing a brand that can instil a sense of being ahead of the curve, while remaining authoritative, ensuring the target audience perceives Promise Robotics as an indispensable partner in their journey towards a shared, innovative future.


In developing Promise Robotics' brand, we aimed to convey a future where robots perform most manual and routine work. Our research on the industry and Promise Robotics' factory processes inspired us to focus on modularity, prefabricated assembly, and automation.

Comprised of three modules, the logo forms the letter P, the company's initial, with each module symbolizing a factory production line where robots assemble parts of future houses - the walls, the roof and the floor. The typographic aspect of the logo exudes innovation and futurism, featuring tense ellipses within the letters of a modern grotesque font that rhymes with the logo's shape.

This logo design laid the foundation for the visual identity, which, along with fonts, colours, and graphic elements, encapsulates the essence of cutting-edge, hi-tech residential construction.


The new brand was very well received by the client, their investors, and industry partners. Promise Robotics was selected by the CIX Canadian Innovation Exchange as one of the 2022 CIX TOP 20 Early startups in Canada by a selection committee composed of 140 investors and innovation experts. They have been featured in numerous publications among the most innovative companies.

Agency: Oddbee
Creative Direction: Katerina Lyadova
UI/UX: Andrew Larin
Web Development: Yulia Kovaleva
Brand design: Sergey Yakovenko
Graphic design: Max Hodlevskyi
Animation: Sergey Yakovenko, Ablai Rakhimbekov

Promise Robotics