Madison Ross (Trigg)'s profile

"Rise of the Terror Planet" -Graphic novel scene

"Rise of the Terror Planet". 

A graphic novel scene, set in 1980s when an invasion of 'extraterrestrial terrorists’ wreak havoc as they attack the bustling city of London. 

Synopsis: The protagonist, Amy, is nurse at the local hospital and is enjoying after-work drinks with her friends at Boro Bistro, London — when suddenly a loud crash can be heard outside. Amy and her friend Stacey realise something is terribly wrong; they run outside to see that an apocalyptic invasion is destroying the city. The extraterrestrial invaders shoot laser beams at innocent civilians in an attempt to destroy humanity and colonise Earth. Amy has a choice to make - between life and death, to save herself or to save others. But what she discovers as a result will change her life forever. 

*Completed as part of a student project. This is my first time exploring a graphic novel style/genre!*
"Rise of the Terror Planet" -Graphic novel scene

"Rise of the Terror Planet" -Graphic novel scene
