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Frequently Asked Questions about Bark Collar

How do I get my dog to stop barking when left alone?
Training while you’re home is the first step. Use a dog bark control collar while you’re home. Start with the collar on the lowest correction setting. When your dog starts barking, the collar should activate. If the setting doesn’t cause your dog to stop barking, turn it up to the next level and try again. Whenever your dog barks and the collar stops him from barking, give him a reward. With time, all your dog may need is an auditory signal like a beep to stop barking. If you plan to leave the collar on your dog while you’re away, look for a model with an automatic shutoff feature. These models cease correction after a certain amount of time, usually somewhere between 60 and 120 seconds. That way if your dog gets panicked the collar won’t continue to correct.
What age can a dog wear a bark collar?
There’s no hard rule on age, but the puppy needs to be old enough to understand the connection between their behavior and the correction. That age might be different for different dogs. However, you can usually tell when you notice your pup avoiding certain items or situations with which they have had a negative experience. When you do decide to get a collar, make sure it’s one designed for puppies or small dogs. These models usually have lower settings and/or more control over the settings so the dog doesn’t get unnecessary or traumatic correction.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Bark Collar

Frequently Asked Questions about Bark Collar
