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Dog Calming Collar - Frequently Asked Questions

What are signs of stress in a dog?
The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) suggests there’s 10 common indicators of stress to look out for in your dog:
Nose and lip licking
Reduction in appetite
Tail tucked or lowered
Ears pulled or pinned back
Hiding, or cowering
Shaking and trembling
Whining, howling, or barking
If you see your dog exhibiting any of these signs, try to consider what may be triggering this behavior, and use a calming collar to help minimize these signs.
How can you tell if your dog is nervous or aggressive?
While nervousness and aggression are two different things, a nervous dog can become aggressive if the trigger for their anxiety is not removed.
The ASPCA advise that the majority of dogs will give a warning before escalating aggressive behavior. As dog owners, it’s our responsibility to recognize these signs early, and take action to either remove the dog from the situation, or help them calm down. For example, a dog may become stiff and rigid, before growling. This is the dog giving two clear warning signs. If both these signals are ignored, they may snap or bite.
Dog calming collars are very effective and reducing stress caused by nervousness, but the pheromones used in them won’t help reduce aggression if your dog is already prone to that behavior. We recommend getting your dog checked out for potential underlying medical conditions as well, if that’s the case for you.
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Dog Calming Collar - Frequently Asked Questions

Dog Calming Collar - Frequently Asked Questions
