Jamie-Lee Easton's profile

Complaints in the Insurance Industry

complaints in the insurance industry
Johannesburg, South Africa | February 2017

My contribution was as a UX Designer consultant working closely with a UX Strategist and in-house UX Designers
Activities in this project
Understand | Gain business context, user context and technology context, Conduct an expert review, Develop assumptive personas and validate them with user testing
Ideate | Ideate on low fidelity paper sketches
Design | Conceptual designs
Delivery | Handover to the in-house team
Introduction and Context
One of the insurance market leaders in South Africa approached us to review their digital and non-digital complaints process and how complaints are resolved. The information provided by them was that their complaints processes aren't efficient and that many customers are lost due to the inefficiencies, and that clients expectations aren't met. It also placed massive organisational risk on the company - where clients would go the a 3rd party (mitigation role) and can then be fined with obscene amounts if the complaints weren't dealt with correctly. 
The process

Understand (2 weeks)
We went through a very quick context dive, where we engaged business stakeholders to determine their current pain points, their vision, what is currently working well, and for them to share any additional information. We spoke to various different people that currently handles the complaints. These complaints ranged from branch walk-ins, social media, telephonic, email, etc. We spoke to both technical people, that created the current process, and has a lot of knowledge on it, to non-technical people that dealt with the customers via phone, social media, etc. We also had a look at their current user types and clients and had a look at their current personas. We mapped out the as-is journeys based on this for us to better understand the opportunity areas, pain points, and their emotional maps. 

Once we completed the context phase, we wanted to dive deeper into what the customers motivations and goals were behind their complaints, through research cycles. We extended and enhanced the personas with the research we have done. After this we wanted to collaborate with their insights team to determine one framework of customer understanding, related to complaints. 

Ideate (1 week)
Based on all the context that we gained, we mapped out a cross group customer journey for complaints across the key customer segments. We also determined how we can best align existing capabilities and resources and process to deliver this journey and did a fit/gap analysis on that - where we could determine what needs to be done to deliver on the journey. 

Once we created the to be journey we went through a rapid ideation phase.  

Design (2 weeks)
We designed the screens in medium fidelity to ensure good socialisation to the business stakeholders. We created hypotheses around engagement behaviour while completing designs. 

Delivery (1 week)
We needed to articulate this vision to business and did this through storyboards. We handed the project over to the in-house UX team and provided some light support and guidance while they were continuing the journey
Complaints in the Insurance Industry

Complaints in the Insurance Industry


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