arthur vaughn's profile

Bargaining, meditation

Vaughn motivations and meditations.
Art the motivator. 
Daily meditation.
Many of us have turned ourselves inside out to try to negotiate with reality. Some of us have done things that appear absurd, in retrospect, once we've achieved acceptance.
"If I try to be a better person, then this won't happen...If I look prettier, keep a cleaner house, lose weight, smile more, let go, hang on more tightly, close my eyes and count to ten, holler, then I won't have to face this loss, this change." 
Vaughn motivations and meditations.
art the motivator. 
Daily motivations.
There is no substitute for accepting reality. That's our goal. But along the way, we may try to strike a deal. Recognizing our attempts at bargaining for what they are - part of the grief process - helps our lives become manageable.
Vaughn motivations and meditations
Art the motivator
Daily affirmations
Today i will accept, that Bargaining is  part of the grief process .
Bargaining, meditation

Bargaining, meditation


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