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Movie graphic design: Aerotropolis 航空城

In this minimalist and existential look at the perils of free markets and capitalism, a young Taiwanese man, who has invested his inheritance in a dead end property, wanders the streets of Taoyuan City, searching for some form of respite or salvation. There is a strange transitory desolation to be found in the meticulous long takes of Aerotropolis. As a work of self-actualization through hyper-normalization and digitization it is opaque in presentation, not intending to offer easy exposition. As such, it is a film of discovery, requiring attention and patience. As a chronicle of a developing nation Jheng-Neng Li's debut offers a potent window inside.
Many techniques of expression had been initially applied on this poster design but eventually I adopted the aspect of blank-leaving inspired by Chinese paintings to emphasise the visual language between abstraction and representation. This euphemistical metaphor brought out the dialogue of interpersonal and human-spatial relationship, and the lonely yet lost insight casting to this world.


紐約影評人Joe Bendel
摘要:"本片幾乎可以想成是由貝拉塔爾翻拍<航站情緣>或<愛情不用翻譯>,<航空城>是高端藝術片影迷的最佳選擇,導演無比完善的創作視野令人印象深刻,他幾乎一人完成整部長片,片中也有一些驚人的攝影視覺構圖,你絕對不能錯過本片。" (註:貝拉塔爾為匈牙利長鏡頭電影大師)
"You can almost think of it as Spielberg’s The Terminal or Lost in Translation, as remade by Bela Tarr. Aerotropolis is best reserved for a high-end sliver of the cineaste world. It is impressive as the uncompromised consummation of Li’s vision, so pretty much everything in the film is there because of him.There are some stunning visual compositions in the film, which you can’t possibly miss."

" 一個台灣年輕人,徘徊在航空城中,尋找某種喘息和救贖。在細緻的長鏡頭中,透過隱喻呈現,而非直接陳述。這是一部探索性的電影,作為一個發展中國家紀事,J.N.L.的首部劇情長片展現出強而有力的視野。"
非常開心我們的首部長片《航空城》入圍了 "2017 第23屆美國Slamdance國際影展-劇情長片競賽單元",本片從7千多部電影報名中脫穎而出,進入最後11部的正式競賽,感謝上天
Happy and honored to announce that our debut feature film "AEROTROPOLIS" is officially selected into "2017 23rd Slamdance Film Festival-Narrative Feature Competition " in USA. Thank God !!
Slamdance影展是奧斯卡認證(Academy Award®Qualifying)的獨立製片影展,聚焦獨立電影,過去曾挖掘出名導Christopher Nolan(黑暗騎士/全面啟動)等優秀之獨立電影人
Slamdance Film Festival is a well-known American
independent film festival (Academy Award®Qualifying), and focusing on independent film. Other Slamdance alumni include Christopher Nolan, Marc Forster, Jared Hess, Lena Dunham, Benh Zeitlin, Seth Gordon, and Lynn Shelton.

Movie graphic design: Aerotropolis 航空城


Movie graphic design: Aerotropolis 航空城
