Madison Blancaflor's profile

Better Homes and Gardens to GQ: Splenda

This project focused on taking an ad and a product intended for one target audience and create an ad that would successfully fit in a completely separate publication. 

I was blessed (feel that sarcasm?) to have gotten a Splenda ad in a "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine. 
Ironic that the staple "feminist" publication of its time talks about women being useful around the house... by a wonderfully redecorated kitchen. 

I took this ad, and transformed it into an ad meant for (wait for it)...
GQ magazine! It's been a year, and I'm still just a smidge bitter about the fact that I had to pull this literal 180 degree turn around. Name one male bachelor that says to himself, "I think I'll run to the store and get some Splenda." Go on; I'll wait. 

Assuming you couldn't think of anyone, either, the first step was taking the features and benefits that the Splenda ad showcased in the original ad: 
And transforming them into features and benefits that the GQ target audience would respond to: 
From there, I began working on possible concepts, layouts and headlines for the new magazine ad. 
First computer rendering (the photos are FPO). 
After gathering some feedback, I went back to the drawing board for a new concept, layout and headline. Sex sells (especially to the fan base of GQ), but apparently there is such a think as too sexy. This was the one time where being clichéd in using sex works -- it's a tried and true method for the target audience. And there are very few ways to make Splenda sexy without actually making it sexy. 

With all of that in mind...
(image is FPO)
Better Homes and Gardens to GQ: Splenda

Better Homes and Gardens to GQ: Splenda
