Nick Colin's profile

Direct mail design

Most nonprofit direct mail campaigns are a serious snooze. I decided to spice things up a bit (and boost donations while I was at it) with some eye-catching envelopes.
This special appeal went out shortly after news broke that plastic pollution was on track to outweigh fish by 2050. I decided to go with playful imagery rather than grim photographs to acclimate a broader audience to a grave environmental problem.
Don't they, though?! This appeal went out the week before Shark Week in the summer of 2015.
This version of 2015's year-end appeal envelope went to one half of our members, while the version below went to the other half. This version presented a dire vision of our coast's future, designed to catalyze the guilt/fear response...
...while this one presented a much cheerier, hopeful vision. Sadly, I was not smart enough to include a code on either reply device to see which version proved more effective. Fail! But now I know.
Woohoo! In 2015, Heal the Bay helped the City of Hermosa Beach defeat a proposal to drill for oil under its shores. To the victor belong the spoils!
Doom and gloom infused this pre-election appeal to raise funds to fight Measure O in Hermosa Beach. The environmental impact report of the proposed oil drilling plan revealed a 34% chance of a spill should the project be realized.
This membership renewal appeal used a full bleed to maximize the sense of immersion the recipient would get upon receiving it. Unfortunately I don't have a sample, but the recipients' names and addresses were printed inside the blank seal, amplifying the importance of each member.
Another membership renewal appeal making liberal use of dotted lines (and maybe a little nod to Barbara Kruger) to indicate absence. 
This photo was taken at Heal the Bay's aquarium summer camp, and it was absolutely too cute not to use for this donation appeal. And, I can't resist an ocean-themed pun.
Direct mail design

Direct mail design

Most nonprofit direct mail campaigns are a serious snooze. I decided to spice things up a bit (and boost donations while I was at it) with some e Read More
