The RAW Material
Event – Friday 25th November 2011
The Raw Material was an event, organised and publicized by three third year students Sarah, Laura and Tomm.
The event was to help introduce second and third year students to the reality of graduating and the struggle
in some cases it can be in order to find a job within the industry.
Graduates of Stockport College were asked to come back in and share their stories/journeys and provide any advice they think they had for us through this time.
It was an opportunity for students to ask questions, find out the highs, the lows... and possibly the ugly of the graphic design job hunt.
In asking the graduates to come back in we organized the event whereby the graduates would give a brief presentation of what they had been up to, then split into smaller groups for an informal chat and discussion
with the students.
To add to the event, food and drink was supplied to add to the relaxed atmosphere for an evening of honesty
and possibly to help make contacts within the industry as friends.
Stockport College thrives on getting students out into the industry and making connections, so what better way
to do it than getting the students themselves to organize the event and ask graduates of the College to return and give something back. 

The RAW Material

The RAW Material

An event to help students into industry
