Max Nguyen's profile

Spin-Communicate with light

A design tool aims at empowering Graphic designers to explore new dimensions of their works, inspired by Make Make Morph, an assignment from the first semester WDKA, focused on learning by making to explore the possibilities in the field of art and design. Through the lens of light, graphic designers use this tool to communicate with their works by exploring different unexpected aspects and outcomes, thereby paving the way for a new approach to artistic exploration.
The Spin was created unexpectedly after iterations of the experiment journey of doing, trying, failing, and starting all from scratch again and its function also mirrors that of experimentation-to explore, to discover, and to innovate. Users insert their works into the system, and through the lens of light, they can see their work in a reproduction version. Each work has its unique voice and language, by engaging with the Spin, users embark on a voyage of exploring the world of the unknown, moving beyond the comfort zone of the original work. By breathing a new life into their work, a new chance in a different look, they give themself an opportunity to do “unknown” things and be more willing to step out of their comfort zone to explore new aesthetic territories.
The Spin is a reproduction tool. Designers insert their works in a system operated within Touchdeisgner. The system analyzes their works’ color; these colors determine the spinning speed of a DC motor (spinning motor). Their works after being mapped by another motion graphic are projected on a sphere made of a crumple of binder wire that is spun by the DC motor (spinning motor). Each work is assigned 3 color indexes: R-G-B (red, green, blue), after users select one of the indexes, the system analyzes the amount of that color in the artworks/designs and spins the sphere at a speed corresponding to that amount. Therefore each work has its unique speeds that lead to its own unique eventual hypergraphy outcome.
Spin-Communicate with light

Spin-Communicate with light
