
Mother's Rice is a pioneering rice brand in producing ST25* rice from Soc Trang province for millions of families in Vietnam and worldwide (ST stands for Soc Trang). The word 'Mother' in the brand's name reflects the origin of the rice, from the time the seeds are carefully planted to the well-packaging of our products. It also represents families and farmers, embodying the nurturing dedication seen from paddy fields to daily family meals. Researched and developed by engineer Ho Quang Cua since 1996, Mother's Rice aims to share the love and dedication of Soc Trang farmers by providing ST25 rice to consumers in Vietnam and around the world. To achieve this goal, the product must undergo meticulous research, cultivation, production, and packaging, just as mothers take great care in preparing meals for their families. We are a brand that prioritizes care in our products.

brand story

Mother's Rice not only sells rice but also showcases the hard work and passion of farmers from Soc Trang by offering high-quality ST25 rice. This rice type has won The Rice Trader's** World's Best Rice Award for two consecutive years. It is the result of over 20 years of research and cultivation. The rice has a slender shape and the aroma of pandan leaves that will turn an ordinary bow of rice into a bow of goodness that will complement and indulge all your senses. Our goal is to bring this natural gift to the tables of Vietnamese and international families.

*ST25 is the name of a type of rice developed for many years by engineer Ho Quang Cua. Before that, he spent a lot of time cross-breeding many different varieties such as ST24.

**The Rice Trader is the organizer of the international rice summit and annual world's best rice awards held in Cebu, Philippines. With more than 10 countries and 30 rice samples submitted to the contest, ST25 rice won again in 2023, the first time being in 2019.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

what is ST25 Rice?

ST25 Rice is a rice variety bred for decades by engineer Ho Quang Cua, who spent many years creating the best rice varieties and bringing them to Vietnam and the world. Grown in Soc Trang province, the western region of Vietnam with a diverse river and alluvial system, ST25 rice has an elongated shape and a scent of pandan leaves when cooked that many people will never forget. All thanks to organic and natural farming, without the use of drugs, by passionate and enthusiastic farmers.
Packaging + Tape

The logo is inspired by a farmer's hand cradling rice grains, representing the farmer's endless care and passion during each harvest season. 

Inspired by the vibrant natural colors of the river region of Western Vietnam, Mother's Rice's color palette brings together all the colors of passion and constant transformation in each moment.

The main typeface of FZ Extra Old is inspired by Vietnamese signs of the 70s. With strong thick lines, it brings a traditional, simple feeling, but also strong and decisive. When combined with Mother's Rice's color palette, these letters become more prominent and vibrant than ever.
key visual

'It's All About Passion' is the main slogan of Mother's Rice. Inspired by the images of farmers working hard in the fields, we created 'The Passion Line' as a key visual for the brand. Passion is something that grows day by day, so the size of the words in our touchpoints also increases, creating vividness for all of Mother's Rice's collaterals.
Social Media Banner 1
Social Media Banner 2
image style

Mother's Rice uses images of everyday life at the farm in particular and famous icons of Soc Trang and Vietnam. Those icons are what make Soc Trang, our country and ST25 rice different and they deserve to be brought around the world. 

where is Soc Trang?
Soc Trang city, located about 240km south of Ho Chi Minh city and 60 km southeast of Can Tho city, welcomes visitors with open arms. Its name, “Soc Trang,” derives from the Khmer name “Srok Kh'leang,” meaning “a place where silver is stored,” reflecting the vibrant Khmer community that calls it home. Amidst the hustle and bustle, you'll find traces of Khmer culture interwoven with the Kinh's, the predominant ethnic group in Vietnam, especially evident in the Khmer pagodas scattered throughout the city. In addition to Khmer culture, Soc Trang also possesses a diverse natural system, from rivers to fields, all of which create favorable conditions for farming and animal husbandry, including ST25 rice.

illustration styles

Inspired by the landmarks, dishes, and typical items of Soc Trang, the system of icons and illustrations was created with the aim of spreading them everywhere in the world. When combined into patterns and stickers, they bring diversity and harmony to all Mother's Rice touchpoints.
Wrapping Papers
Paper Posters

digital touchpoints

Social Media
Attract customers through vivid, eye-catching images and agricultural related contents on media and social networks.

Instagram Stories & Reels
Instagram Posts
Website with minimalist and airy layout helps navigate users to content and products in the easiest way.

Mobile Web
Tablet Web
physical touchpoints

Stepping up locally, reaching out to the world. Mother's Rice wants to bring the image of farmers and their passion to everywhere in the world, not just Vietnam. Public places and areas with high traffic density are places where Mother's Rice wants to spread the brand's value. 

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Billboard
Soc Trang City Billboard
Train Station Display
Merchandise and stationary also be applied with our key visual to increase brand recognition and make more of an impression on customers' mindsets.
Stationery Set
Enamel Pins

Mother's Rice's rice product line is grown and harvested with 100% organic standard technology, including 4 main lines:

Traditional: grown and harvested in 2 seasons of the year with nutrition maintained in each grain of rice thanks to the fertile rice field and alluvial environment of Soc Trang.
Shrimp-paddy: rice is grown in brackish water areas during the rainy season after the dry season shrimp farming (rotating 1 rice crop and 1 shrimp crop). Because they are nourished mainly by natural nutrients left over after shrimp farming. Rice is grown according to safe production processes to ensure good living conditions for shrimp in rice fields and the next shrimp farming season.
GABA Sprout: rice is sprouted under appropriate conditions and dried, sprouted rice contains many nutrients and antioxidants, and has a higher nutritional content than both brown rice and regular rice.
Brown: rice grains are light brown in color, still retaining the rice bran layer containing many nutrients.

Each product is printed with a pattern including Soc Trang icons to increase recognition. At the same time, each product has its own color to make it easier for customers to choose. In addition, Mother's wants to spread the image and story of Soc Trang through randomly explaining the meaning of other icons on these products.

design development
5 months from December 2023 to May 2024, Mother's Rice has gone on a meaningful journey, from the ideation stage to the first showcase at The Lasalle Show 2024 and attending the Conscience Awards 2024 in the UK for the first time.

brand video
A 1 min video that captures the whole project at a glance

brand summary
Take a quick view of Mother's Rice identity summary board.​​​​​​​

Brand Concept & Design: Leo Nguyen
Tutor: Jaygo Bloom, David Lee
Institution: LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
Final Year Project

Mother's Rice is a project that means a lot to me. This is a project that I have the opportunity to carry out on my own from start to finish, from ideation, concept, and design. I want to say thank you to my friends and teachers at LASALLE for supporting and helping me during the implementation of this project.

Mother's Rice


Mother's Rice

Mother's Rice is a pioneering rice brand in producing ST25 rice from Soc Trang province for millions of families in Vietnam and worldwide. The wo Read More
