Carl Challinor's profile

We Were Just Passing Through

A two week intensive programme, the Erasmus International Competition invited 5 universities to create teams that would design and compete to the same brief. In the town of Leoben, Austria, the brief looked to make use of the old castle ruins to create a project that would encourage the site's popularity. 
Winning the competition, my team decided to take a more subtle approach leaving the beauty of the ruins untarnished and instead, focusing on the routes up to, and then beyond the castle.
To highlight the subtle approach of our design, our presentation followed the journey one would take described through a collaboration of poetry and paint. 
Overview of the designed route from the town to the castle and then up through the mountains; a popular hiking trail. 
The first route to the castle. The old rotted fences are replaced by small, unobtrusive corten steel panels that guide the way to the castle through the old hunter's lodge.
The second possible route that we designed, it begins lower in the town offering impressive views as the castle emerges proudly upon the hilltop.
The third route that we designed offered a slower paced, more scenic route that followed the path of the river before heading up the mountainside offering uninterrupted views out over the river and forest.
The interventions are minimal and unobtrusive to the castle, preserving its ruinistic beauty for people to enjoy and explore. Blocked elements, such as the original archways, are re-opened and provide a free flowing movement through the castle grounds. 
The original hunter's lodge is refurbished and regenerated to house a B&B. A small cafe extension is built partially into the hillside to avoid intruding onto the historic site. It also offers a waypoint and rest spot for hikers continuing on their journey up the mountain.
Acting as waypoints in the forest, three chosen spots offer rest, shelter, and guidance for hikers on their journey through the mountain. 
Video highlight of the Erasmus programme and winning ceremony. 
We Were Just Passing Through

We Were Just Passing Through

International competition based in Leoben, Austria that focused on the regeneration of an historic castle ruin.


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