Mario Herrera's profile

Mario Herrera Productions

The goal of my capstone project is to create a brand that offers high quality production photos for customers to use in marketing/ web display. This brand will offer market level photography of products and items that the customer can use in their marketing or e-commerce stores.
Vision Statement: Create content that fully envelops the spirit of our customers' products.
Mission Statement: To help others capture and refine the essence of their unique products through visual content.

My target audience are self employed E-Commerce owners who are looking for new, unique solutions to display their products. They are adventurous, eclectic, and like to stand out from the crowd. 
For my logo, I drew inspiration from Santiago Nicolas Smud and his brand identity work for Martín Gómez. I wanted to create a logo that utilized familiar geometric shapes that married right angles and curves to create a cohesive, unique look. 
When choosing a color scheme, I wanted to find five colors that would offer flexibility in the way that they were displayed. Ultimately, I found the palette above to fit my projects needs whether I was utilizing two, three, or all five colors.
    I chose Aquawax Medium for my wordmark as it contained features that I included in the creation of my logo such as the mixture of hard angles and curved points. Visually I found it to be a good fit when placed near my logo.
    My brand utilizes Portofino Medium for main text in adverts. It not only flows in its motion, but also is eye catching, which is a cornerstone in my brand. While it is quite different from my wordmark in design, it still meshes well.
    Ever since e-commerce sites such as Amazon became a mainstay everyday life, I have noticed that most products tend to be eerily similar in the way it is visually displayed. The plain white backdrop shots make it hard for customers to discern one company from another as the images figuratively blend together as they scroll through the site. 
    If more diverse, unique photo backdrops and techniques are implemented to display photos on e-commerce sites, then companies will have a higher success of catching the short attention of possible customers.

This problem/solution statement inspired me to choose images that followed my philosophy of making product images that stand out when making my 1-page spread. 
For my banner ads, I envisioned designs that were simple yet elegant. I found that using my mission statement as the main centerpiece would accomplish this. While I drafted some designs that included product images, I found that their inclusion would take away from the overall cohesiveness of the banners.
Mario Herrera Productions

Mario Herrera Productions
