Zack Ribbe's profile

Last Remaining Light (Environment Art)

Last Remaining Light
This is a level that I created using the Unreal Tournament 3 Editor.  I used all of Unreal's assets except for the American Flag (mesh and texture), and the helicopter (credit to Robert MacRae). 

Last Remaining Light is a post-apocalyptic level in the not so distant future.  I created this level to show a story.  This level was not designed to be played but rather to tell a story through the visual elements.   I wanted to get an emotional reaction from the viewer/player.  There are a lot of visual elements that can keep you wondering as to what happened.  One area that I will point out is the "Last Stand" area.  I had a flickering light on the American Flag to show that the last of humanity was "fading out".
The American Flag with a flickering light used as symbolism for the "last remaining light' of humanity.
Last Remaining Light (Environment Art)

Last Remaining Light (Environment Art)

Last Remaining Light is a level I created for my portfolio. I created this level using the Unreal Tournament 3 Editor. This level is not meant to Read More
