Lion Peng 彭 狮's profile

鱼玥茶x彭狮 I 喝愉悦的茶 说赞美的话

作品名称 I 鱼玥兑白·福鼎白茶包装设计
品牌持有 I 湖南鱼玥文化发展有限公司
视觉呈现 I 薛登科
设计师 I 夏志伟
茶器设计 I 宁建强
设计机构 I 彭狮包装设计工作室
设计总监 I 彭伟
插画绘制 I 李郑昆
项目管理 I 解云

This is a tea brand from Changsha, Hunan, named Yuyue, and this series of products is called Dubai. Its brand is committed to creating a joyful lifestyle. In the process of new product development, we were inspired by the 58th hexagram of the Book of Changes, which is called "Dui Tong Yue". As the only hexagram in the Book of Changes that elaborates on pleasure, Dui Gua expresses the joy of harmony between the upper and lower levels, and the help of family and friends, perfectly fitting the brand proposition of Yuyue Tea.

The product design concept is based on the theme of "The Book of Changes", which is the tea ceremony with a friendly relationship between the subject and the object, that is, a joyful mood. It expresses the beauty of the Eastern artistic conception with clear and concise lines, with a square and round shape that coexists with hardness and softness. The twist of the pot lid only takes the elements of the Eight Trigrams and Yang, echoing the blank space technique of Yin and Yang to create an imaginative atmosphere, symbolizing the positive and upward attitude of Yu Yue, The different theme elements on both sides of the pot are embossed and colored with the intention of balancing the relationship. The right hand holds the pot, and the outer circle of the elements signifies the constant reminder of Zen thought and the way of handling affairs.

Fuding White Tea, everything is simple. The overall design tone is heavily left blank, providing an artistic conception for achieving harmony between humans and nature. This is also the spirit of Chinese tea culture. Tea should be natural and organic, and life should be calm and tranquil, with an open mind like a valley. The visual center is the small monk who meditates for self-cultivation and self-cultivation, Using modern and concise visual language to reflect the concept of "dialogue through dialogue" The brand concept of wisdom and the pursuit of a refined and refined Eastern charm. The edge of the gift box is connected from the beginning to the end, symbolizing continuous prosperity and longevity. The Yin Yang fish pattern in the center symbolizes perfect harmony and good luck in all things. The overall design has a simple and elegant temperament, with a calm and calm, relaxed and unrestrained indifference, always maintaining a joyful realm of being independent from the world.

From determining the 58th hexagram of the Book of Changes as the creative core, to tea selection, tea making, and packaging design, we have traveled a long way. Fortunately, our original intention remained unchanged and time did not deceive us. In the end, we launched this traditional Chinese tea ceremony, which combines the "Book of Changes" with white tea and carries the joy of the Chinese people - Doubai.
鱼玥茶x彭狮 I 喝愉悦的茶 说赞美的话

鱼玥茶x彭狮 I 喝愉悦的茶 说赞美的话
