Finlay Davis's profile

Surgical Robot Project

The task was to make an autonomous, mobile surgical robot which could simulate complex movements with a 6 D.O.F gripper. The robot was manufactured out of laser-cut acrylic, and controlled by an Arduino Uno.

Full report:
My main contribution to the project was in the 3D modelling, specifically that of the gripper. It utilised a single SG90R servo to actuate both sides of the gripper, via independant linkages.
A video demonstrating the gripper in motion.
The arms were iteratively designed, starting with a simple block with no cutouts, however due to weight requirements I worked on 2 different cutout concepts until deciding on the second as both more effective and aesthetically pleasing.
A representation of the wiring used on the robot, created in TinkerCad
The completed robot model!
Surgical Robot Project

Surgical Robot Project
