Yara Turchetti's profile

Social Media | Mastig

Com insumos 100% naturais a Mastig fabrica os mastigáveis para cães e gatos a partir de derivados bovinos, suínos, aves e peixes. 
Despertar o interesse nos pais de pet através das redes sociais precisa ser uma tarefa efetiva: através das postagens mensais, misturamos o dia a dia com o enrequecimento ambiental resultando nos benefícios dos produtos Mastig. 

With 100% natural inputs, Mastig manufactures chewables for dogs and cats from derivatives cattle, pigs, poultry and fish.
Awakening the interest of pet parents through social networks needs to be an effective task: through suspended posts, we mix everyday life with the environmental enrichment generated by the benefits of Mastig products.

Thank you!
Social Media | Mastig


Social Media | Mastig


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